Stanley as an apprentice harbor pilot


Stanley, with helmet and life jacket,  in front of the main gate of CSBC 史丹利戴安全帽和救生衣,在中國造船廠大門口。


Stanley’s Adventure is the home work of my nephew Mikey, and today Stanley ’s adventure is as a training harbor pilot in Kaohsiung harbor, Taiwan .




Today we wrer going to sail a Yang-Ming huge container ship for Sea Trial. The ship's name is "YM MASCULINITY" 。


A Sea Trail is a testing manovering at sea before ship deliver to the owner, to ensure to satisfy the owner's specifications and the class regulation's requirements in all aspects.

Stanley came alongside to the ship for sea trial. 史丹利來到要出海試俥的船旁。

Stanley under a heavy-lifting crane



Stanely checked the propeller of the big ship..史丹利先檢查大船的螺旋漿。

Stanley was standing on the deck of a a floated gate of the shipyard's dock. 史丹利站在船塢閘門甲板上。

Stanley overlooked a underbuilding new huge Evergreen's ship inside the dry dock.


Stanley checked the approval of Ship's Sea Trail..史丹利檢查了大船試俥許可單。

Onboard the ship, location: Bridge. 上船了,在駕駛台船邊。

史丹利進入駕駛台內,開始開船出港。Stanley standed on the bridge to sail the ship .

拖船開始推頂大船轉向。Tug pushig to swing the ship.


Disembarked the ship, on a pilot boat. 史丹利從大船下來到了小艇上。


Stanley and the Kaohsiung Harbor VTC tower..( Vessel Traffic Control )

off the pilot boat, heading to home now.


I and Stanley had sailed the new ship out of the harbor, and after got off the pilot boat we were bound to home.









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